Thursday, February 08, 2007

How to convert PowerPoint to flash Using Free Tools

It would be exciting if you could convert a PowerPoint presentation to flash in a completely free way. With a lot of net searching and tutorial reading, I was able to do it with some Open Source Tools. You can read this step-by-step tutorial to learn the details.

Step 1
I launch Open Office in headless mode with a Mac. Then I open an Xterm and do the following

$ cd /Applications/
$ ./soffice -headless -accept="socket,port=8100;urp;"

Step 2
Download JOOConverter from
JOOConverter is an Open Source Java/OpenOffice Document converter to perform conversions between different office document formats.

I use a Java Library JOOConverter to convert my PowerPoint to flash by running

$ java -jar jooconverter.jar powerpoint.ppt flash.swf

The converted flash does not look pretty good with some strange artifacts in it. But it does play with a flash player although no other SWF tool is able to handle or even to read this flash file by Open Office. So I decided to find a tool to tidy up the flash file.

Step 3
Download Transform SWF from
The Transform SWF framework is the tool to parse and encode Flash (.swf) files.

I finally managed to find Transform SWF to rewrite the flash file. I Load it into Transform’s internal swf model and then write it out again. With some nasty hacking of the Transform source, I was able to swallow exceptions caused by the out-of-bounds pointers in the swf file generated by swallow exceptions. And once again, it worked.

I think it would be troublesome to convert a PowerPoint to flash in this way if you do not have some programming experience. For the practical things, you may try some commercial converters in the market like Wondershare PPT2Flash Standard and PPT2Flash Professional

Wondershare PPT2Flash Standard at
How to use it from
Free Trial from

Wondershare PPT2Flash Professional at
How to use it from
Downlaod it from

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Friday, February 02, 2007

Communication Technology

Communication technologies generally falls into two categories - asynchronous or synchronous.
Asynchronous activities use technologies such as blogs, wikis, and discussion boards. Synchronous activities occur with all participants joining in at once, as with a chat session or a virtual classroom or meeting.

The term E-Learning 2.0 has been foucsing on the uses of social software such as blogs and wikis. This approach has been particularly evangelised by some instrcuctional designers.

The writing community and the communication channels relate with the E-learning and the M-learning communities. Both the communities provide a general overview of the basic learning models and the activities required for the participants to join the learning sessions across the virtual classroom. The activities essential for the learners require frequent chat sessions in the form of virtual classrooms and blog meetings.

The various blogs that are being used for providing writing approaches are gaining popularity. The Encyclopedic content is no longer in demand and the virtual classrooms serve the purpose of an instructor leading and controlling the sessions.
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