As the domain form of communication, E-mail messaging has long ago exceeded telephone traffic and become the most popular information delivery service.
When it comes to PowerPoint, you will always it troublesome. Audio or video may be lost. The sending may be failed. If you can learn some clever tips and tricks for your E-mail program, you will have more success of sending a PowerPoint via E-mail.
Of course, you may have umpteen ways to send a PowerPoint via E-mail, but it will be nice if you can find the easiest way. Here are some tips for you.
1. Send a PowerPoint with Audio via E-mail
Before we go on, we should learn something about how audio works in PowerPoint.
Usually, audio in WAV format will be embedded in PowerPoint while audio in MP3 or other file formats will be linked to PowerPoint. And more, sound files larger than 100 KB (i.e. anything but a short sound effect) will be linked to your presentation rather than embedded in it.
What is the difference between Linked and Embedded? Embedded means that when you move the PPT on your computer or e-mail it, audio will be moved together. When audio is linked, it will be lost if you move the PPT or e-mail it.
Then how to send a PowerPoint always with audio?
For wav audio which is greater than 100 KB, increase the 100 KB default up to 5 MB.
PowerPoint ->Tools -> Options->General (Link sound with file size greater than 5000 KB)
For other audio files
Copy the sound file and the PowerPoint presentation in a same folder (Short path is recommended) and then reinsert the sound file to PowerPoint. Send the whole folder via E-mail.
2. More Ways to Insert Audio to PowerPoint
The usually practice to insert audio to PowerPoint is
Insert sound to a slide :
PowerPoint -> Insert (Menu) -> Movies and sounds -> ...
Sometime you have one more option: Insert sound as slide transition
The audio will play as transition and will be embedded to the PowerPoint file. So when you move the presentation file, the music will not be lost.
PowerPoint -> Slide Show -> Slide Transition -> Modify Transition (Right Panel) -> Sound -> Other Sound
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